Senior Assisted Living In Oakland County
A supportive community of private suites for seniors and older adults to safely maintain their independence while enjoying three meals a day, engaging activities, life amongst friends and attentive, well-trained support staff.
Jewish Senior Life provides beautiful assisted living environments. Daily social and recreational activities promote engagement and quality of life in a safe and beautiful atmosphere for our residents, who are cared for in a home-like environment with a personal touch.
Find Assisted Living Near Me
West Bloomfield
Fleischman Residence/Blumberg Plaza Assisted Living
Located in the heart of West Bloomfield, Michigan right off Maple near Drake road, the Edward I. & Freda Fleischman Residence/Louis C. & Edith B. Blumberg Plaza Assisted Living facilities are located near many parks and restaurants.
Oak Park
Coville Assisted Living
(Some Units are Income-Based Affordable Housing)
Conveniently located just off I-696, the Margot and Warren Coville Assisted Living community is within just a few minutes of the Detroit Zoo. Our residents enjoy in-house activities such as bingo, afternoon movies, morning trivia, and Saturday stretch sessions.
What Is Assisted Living?
An assisted living community for seniors provides care for older adults who need a little help with activities of daily living, yet wish to remain as independent as possible. These communities basically bridge the gap between independent living and nursing homes. Assisted living is often provided for those who may not have a serious illness that affects their quality of life, however they still need some level of person-centered care to help them remain as independent as possible. Or, they may want to spend less time cooking and cleaning, and enjoy their life without doing these daily tasks. Assisted living communities are focused on wellness and supporting residents to maintain a safe environment with a high degree of autonomy.
Simply put, assisted living communities give older adults personalized care in a residential setting.
Our assisted living residences provide security for our residents and their families, with 24-hour oversight, personalized care, an emergency call system, an on-staff full-time nurse, medication administration, vital sign monitoring (blood glucose, diabetic and oxygen monitoring), assistance with bathing and dressing, and weekly housekeeping and laundry services.
Along with a high staff-to-resident ratio, our staff receives specialized training on dementia and memory loss to best serve our residents.
What Is Assisted Facility Living Like?
For those who choose our assisted living facilities, residents find more than spacious and beautiful living quarters, they find a home and inviting community. Common areas have been designed specifically with the older adult in mind, including comfortable furniture and warm colors in a generous gathering space for our residents to share.
The residents of the Fleischman Residence even receive daily affection from Bella, the Fleischman Residence dog!

Assisted Senior Living Amenities§
Our comfortable suites, some with balconies, are designed for comfort and convenience. All rooms are equipped with telephone and cable TV access, along with 24 hour emergency call switches.
Emergency Call System
24-Hour Oversight
Full-Time Nurse
Medication Administration
Vital Sign Monitoring
Assistance with Bathing & Dressing
Incontinence & Catheter Care
Social Work Staff & Support
Housekeeping & Laundry Services
Cueing & Redirection
Assisted Living Activities§
Our assisted living activity calendar is filled with programs that encourage socialization and engagement. Residents enjoy music, performances, and singalongs. Our group exercise programs not only bring people together but get them moving in ways to encourage both physical and mental health. Art programs give residents a creative outlet, while games and trivia maintain their cognitive abilities.
The activities provided in our assisted living communities support our residents in enriching their lives, and continuing to find purpose.
Assisted Living Dining
Our assisted living menus consist of three (3) kosher nutritious meals a day, seven (7) days a week, plus snacks! Our onsite Registered Dietitian is available to accommodate special dietary needs. Each room’s kitchenette also has a provided refrigerator, for personal favorites or to keep special snacks on hand for visitors and guests.
Service Animals & Pets
If you’re looking for pet friendly assisted living near me, our Coville Residence may be right for you. For pet owners, who often live alone or in group facilities, pets can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, increase social interaction and physical activity, and help them learn. After obtaining proper permissions and for additional fees, residents may be eligible to keep their pet with them in their apartment. All pets must be registered and inoculated in accordance with state and local law prior to move in.
Fleischman residents will receive their daily dose of affection from Bella the local therapy dog. Bella was trained through the Leader Dogs for the Blind program and became a career change dog, similar to a service dog. Come visit Bella when you schedule a tour at Fleischman Residence, she would love to meet you!

Dogs under 20lbs**, with owners maintaining control at all times
Up to two (2) cats**
Up to two (2) birds
One (1) fish tank up to ten (10) gallons
Other species of animals are allowed. Rabbits, lizards, turtles, guinea pigs and similar domestic animals may be permitted if in proper cages. Contact Us if you have any questions.
Cost Of Assisted Living
“How much does assisted living cost?” is a good question you’re probably asking yourself, whether for yourself or a loved one. Consider your budget as you begin to explore the communities in your area.
JSL strives to make assisted living affordable for all of our residents. Rent in our Assisted Living communities includes three (3) kosher nutritious meals a day, seven (7) days a week, plus all utilities other than phone and cable.
Some units in Coville Assisted Living are eligible for a reduction in rent if the applicant qualifies. Schedule a tour to learn more about how JSL can help with the cost of assisted living.
If you are disabled and wish to request a reasonable accommodation, or if you have difficulty understanding English, please request our assistance and we will ensure that you are provided with meaningful access based on your individual needs.