Prentis Apartments’ recent renovation provides warm and elegant communal living spaces where residents can enjoy Jewish Senior Life’s signature programming and services, or just gather for some social enjoyment. The strong sense of community fostered at Prentis Apartments, along with the highly trained and dedicated staff of Jewish Senior Life, make Prentis Apartments a wonderful place for older adults to age safely and securely, while enjoying all that life has to offer.
I hold a Master’s in Social Work from Wayne State University, as well as a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Oakland University. I am passionate about working with older adults and enjoy working with the residents of Prentis Apartments. I love learning about their lives and interests and always feel enriched by their wisdom and stories. I was an intern at Prentis during my last year of graduate school and connected with the residents during that time. My first internship for the MSW program was at Services for Older Citizens in which I was involved in the aging populations of the Grosse Pointes and portions of Harper Woods. Working alongside older adults of diverse populations and communities has allowed me to gain insight into the services and resources they may benefit from.
The greatest influences in my development were spending weekends as a child with my maternal grandparents in Detroit and my graduating from Cass Technical High School. My grandparents were nurturing individuals who knew what was important in life (long walks and fresh baked-goods). When I conceded that becoming a mechanical engineer was “not in the cards,” I embarked on a lifelong journey into the social sciences. I have devoted the past 41 years to the field of geriatric social work with a focus on end-of-life care. Outside of work, I pursue my interests in ceramics, poetry, photography and classical guitar.
I came to the United States in 1997 from Latvia. My own experience as an immigrant has made me more sensitive and compassionate to the difficulties other immigrants often experience. I wanted to be helpful and supportive in all aspects of their lives. So, I enrolled in the Michigan School of Professional Psychology where I thought I could help many Russian-speaking people who had come to this country. I graduated with a MA, LLP degree. I started my work as a Resident Service Coordinator and Russian/English translator at Prentis apartments in June of 2012. I love what I do and have been helpful to our residents in handling their daily challenges. Not only can I utilize my Russian language knowledge, I have the ability to recognize cultural differences and apply professional knowledge and experience that benefit our Russian speaking population. Prentis Apartments is a wonderful place for older adults to live active and fulfilling lives.
I was born in the Philippines and graduated from Maritime Academy as a Merchant Marine with a Bachelor’s degree. I worked for 4 years in a merchant ship and then eventually moved to the United States. From 1994 to 1999, I worked for the Jewish Home for the Aged and at the West Bloomfield campus in the Maintenance Department. After I left, I studied Climate Control Technology at Northwestern Technological Institute. Then in 2008, I came back to work in the Jewish community for Jewish Senior Life. I have been the Maintenance Supervisor at Prentis Apartments for the last 10 years. I really enjoy what I do! We have a great team and we keep our building and the residents’ apartments in great shape, safe and beautiful.
Main: 248-967-4240 (TTY #711)
Leasing Inquiries: 248-592-1127 (TTY #711)
15100 W 10 Mile Rd
Oak Park, Michigan 48237
Map & Directions
Jewish Senior Life and Jewish Apartments & Services, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its federally assisted programs and activities.
The person named below has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s regulating implementing Section 504 (24 CFR, Part 8 dated June 2, 1988).
Compliance Coordinator: Michelle Buda 15000 W. 10 Mile Road, Oak Park, MI 48237 Phone 248-592-1101 TTY# 711
If you are disabled and wish to request a reasonable accommodation or if you have difficulty understanding English, please request our assistance and we will ensure that you are provided with meaningful access based on your individual needs.
Si usted está incapacitado y desea solicitar un alojamiento razonable o si tiene dificultad para entender el inglés, por favor solicite nuestra asistencia y nos aseguraremos de que le proporcionen un acceso significativo basado en sus necesidades individuales.