The newly renovated Teitel Apartments provide a stylish and sophisticated living experience for residents, with many beautifully appointed indoor common spaces and outdoor gardens. The beautiful Teitel Dining Room overlooks the landscaped grounds, and serves 5 delicious Kosher dinners each week as part of the Teitel living experience. In addition, Teitel Apartments offers a full complement of Jewish Senior Life’s signature programs and services to keep residents socially engaged, physically fit and intellectually stimulated.
I have more than 22 years of experience working at Jewish Senior Life. During my time working in the Teitel Building I received three promotions from Housekeeper to Maintenance Technician to Building Supervisor, and then finally into my current position as Assistant Administrator. I also worked 4 years as a member of the agency’s kitchen staff back in the early 90s, which was my first job while in high school. I enjoy listening to smooth jazz vinyl on my record player and I am a supportive sports fan of the Detroit Tigers, Pistons, Lions and Red Wings. Here at Teitel we focus heavily on customer service and providing a safe, healthy and beautiful environment for our residents to call home.
I have been working at JSL as a Resident Service Coordinator for almost 30 years. I assist residents in a socially responsible manner consistent with the values, ethical principles and standards of the profession. We strive to help our residents maintain their independence in a dignified manner for as long as possible in an independent setting. We do this by introducing our clients and their families to resources for services that may help them in their daily living. It is my mission to improve, maintain and enhance the quality of life of our residents.
As Oak Park Campus Director of Leasing, I am often the first point of contact for prospective tenants and their families. I conduct apartment tours, answer questions, process and verify applications and coordinate move-ins and move-outs. I joined Teitel in 2004 and I am very proud of our JSL community. It is my goal to always provide a warm and informative welcome to residents and families, as well as to make sure the transition to becoming a Teitel resident goes smoothly. I love playing a part in helping our residents have comfortable homes in an enriching social environment. Additionally, I am a native Russian speaker, which allows me to assist in communicating with our Russian-speaking residents. In my free time I like to read, travel, photograph nature and people and solve Sudoku and KenKen puzzles.
Main: 248-967-2224 (TTY #711)
Leasing Inquiries: 248-592-1127 (TTY #711)
15106 W 10 Mile Rd
Oak Park, Michigan 48237
Map & Directions
Jewish Senior Life and Jewish Apartments & Services, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of disability status in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its federally assisted programs and activities.
The person named below has been designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s regulating implementing Section 504 (24 CFR, Part 8 dated June 2, 1988).
Compliance Coordinator: Michelle Buda 15000 W. 10 Mile Road, Oak Park, MI 48237 Phone 248-592-1101 TTY# 711
If you are disabled and wish to request a reasonable accommodation or if you have difficulty understanding English, please request our assistance and we will ensure that you are provided with meaningful access based on your individual needs.
Si usted está incapacitado y desea solicitar un alojamiento razonable o si tiene dificultad para entender el inglés, por favor solicite nuestra asistencia y nos aseguraremos de que le proporcionen un acceso significativo basado en sus necesidades individuales.