Make The Plan

make the plan

Make The Plan

By Jo Strausz Rosen

I’m staying focused in the present but find myself thinking about the future.  I speak of it with our residents. We reflect on the past and wonder about what lies ahead. Some anticipate greatly the weddings and mitzvahs of their grandchildren. Others share memories of their lives, trips with spouses and friends.  Some of us don’t think about the future – yet doing so provides opportunity for action. I am reminded of American composer, Jay Livingston’s arrangement and Doris Day’s voice singing….

Que Sera Sera 

Whatever will be, will be,

The future’s not ours to see

Que sera, sera
What will be, will be.


Jay obviously put his fate in the hands of the universe and was happy to take whatever came his way.   I too like to go with the flow. We don’t know what lays ahead, but we certainly have an idea. When Plato, at the end of his life, was asked to sum up his philosophy, he said, “Practice dying. Let go of the past and look with open arms to the unknown.”  We can do this now. Prepare yourself to live fully every day.


Contemplate these actions from Your Guide to Getting your Estate Plan in Order, from Fisher Investments.

  • Put your financial affairs and end of life issues in order.
  • Save money and create an emergency fund.
  • Update your will, yearly if necessary. Create a trust for your descendants.
  • Fill out a living will stating your wishes about extreme medical treatments, a power of attorney and medical power of attorney
  • Write letters to your children and grandchildren to be opened after you’re gone. Update these every few years as your family ages.
  • Create an emergency list that has your blood type and allergies, your loved ones to be contacted, your doctors, attorney, accountant, financial accounts, credit cards and insurance information, where your important documents, passwords, etc. are stored and how you’d like your remains to be taken care of.
  • Take time to write how you wish to be cared for if you become unable to make decisions.


“I want to be cared for in my home, with music played and books read to me, and to be taken outdoors in nature. I would like to be as conscious and aware about the dying process as possible, and to have my people around me who are not frightened by this transition and can support me in letting go.”

Before you reach these ultimate moments, take action to prepare and plan. Then sit back and relax. You have completed your most important tasks. Seek tranquility and joy every day of your life. Begin a new activity, plan something fun, learn something new. Make a new friend, volunteer, and make a change in your existence for the better.  Try not to let the difficult news of the world disturb the peace you deserve. “Que Sera Sera, whatever will be, will be. The future is ours to see. Que Sera Sera. What will be will be.

Shabbat Shalom

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