Updated Meer Gardens and Patio

Thank you for your support of the Patio & Gardens at Meer.

“Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.“

- Hans Christian Anderson

Help The Patio and Gardens at Meer Grow Into a New Community Space

Sunlight, fresh air, the smell of flowers and trees – nature is rejuvenating, invigorating, refreshing. Join us as we transform our courtyard into a beautiful outdoor space that allows our community to enjoy the scenic grounds at the Meer Apartments.

Located outside the Krolik Café and Fortgang Union, the new space will feature an expanded landscaped patio with seating and umbrella tables for dining, outdoor concerts and family visits.

The new space features a fountain and benches for meditation and comfort. Residents can sit and read under a pergola that will also serve as a sukkah in the autumn. Research suggests that having nature and outdoors available and accessible promotes health and an improved sense of well-being.

Gifts will be acknowledged on a donor wall and on our website.

Giving Levels:


The Patio









Patio Table Sets



Mature Trees



Patio Umbrellas






Pergola Furniture



Raised Garden Bed



Patio Chairs




Mail your check payable to: JSL Foundation 6710 West Maple Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48322 Attention: Jo Strausz Rosen

Prefer to be invoiced? Let us know your pledge and we’d be happy to send  you one.​

Your generous gift will enhance the quality of life for Meer Residents.

For more information please contact ,
Marcia Mittelman, Meer Administrator mmittleman@jslmi.org 248.592.1141 or
Jo Strausz Rosen, Executive Director of JSL Foundation : jrosen@jslmi.org, 248.592.5027 TTY #711

Committee Members :

Roz Blanck

Jason Fisher

Barbra Giles

Nancy S. Heinrich

Barbara Horowitz

Morrine Maltzman

Marcia Mittleman

Harriet & Gregg Orley

Kara Powers

Jo Strausz Rosen

Neil Satovsky

Arlene Selik

Bev Tepper-Wallace

Beth Tryon

Joyce Weingarten

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