Czech Memorial Scroll Torah

Czech Memorial Scroll Torah

Zachor-Ensure the Tragedies of the Holocaust are Not Forgotten

The History of our Czech Holocaust Scroll

We are honored that Prentis Apartments holds Czech Scroll #749 on loan from the Memorial Scrolls Trust. Our scroll is believed to have been scribed in 1840 and was owned by a synagogue in Radlice. It was sent onward to the town Praha (Prague)-Smichov during the Shoah. The date 1840 is etched into one of the scroll rollers which are original. Each scroll from the Memorial Scrolls Trust represents hundreds of Jewish communities in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia (Czechoslovakia) that were wiped out in the Holocaust.

The story of the 1,564 scrolls that were saved by the Memorial Scrolls Trust can be found on the certificate posted nearby.

In 1984 Jewish Apartments and Services, under the leadership of Helen Naimark, began inquiring with the Memorials Scrolls Trust regarding how to secure a scroll. The dream became a reality in 1986 when the scroll arrived at Prentis Apartments via British Airways and has remained at Prentis Apartments for all to appreciate since that time.

On February 7, 1964, a total of 1,564 scrolls arrived at London’s Westminster Synagogue to be cared for by the Memorial Scrolls Trust.  Over 1,400 of the Scrolls have been entrusted on permanent loan around the world including more than 1,000 in the United States. The majority of the scrolls are now at synagogues, other Jewish institutions, universities, and elsewhere including the Royal Library Windsor and the White House.

While each scroll remains the property of the Trust, those who are fortunate to have a scroll on loan are also entrusted with remembering the people of the communities from which they originated. Prentis Apartments remembers the Jewish community of Praha-Radlice and the Six Million who perished in the Holocaust by housing this important historical treasure.

Read more here:

Memorial Scroll Trust

Smichov Jewish Cemetery

Smichov Synagogue

[evc_image_with_text image=”7127″ text=”We are honored that Prentis Apartments in Oak Park holds Czech Scroll #749 on loan from the Memorial Scrolls Trust.”]
[evc_image_with_text image=”7233″ text=”Dr. Charles Silow, Director, Program for Holocaust Survivors and Families”]
[evc_image_with_text image=”7262″ text=”The Torah binder that was wrapped around the scroll when it arrived in London. No biographical info. Of all the scrolls, about 400 had binders. It is very special to have had a binder, as it was a role that women played in the congregations.”]
[evc_image_with_text image=”7258″ text=”While each scroll remains the property of the Trust, those who are fortunate to have a scroll on loan are also entrusted with remembering the people of the communities from which they originated. Prentis Apartments and Jewish Senior Life remember the Jewish community of Praha-Radlice and the Six Million who perished in the Holocaust by housing this important historical treasure.”]
[evc_image_with_text image=”7253″ text=”There was a variety of correspondence and communication to get the Torah scroll to Prentis Apartments, including this letter from then-Director Helen Naimark, Jewish Federation Apartments, Inc.”]
[evc_image_with_text image=”7263″ text=”The Scroll was secured with a $500 payment, sealing the shipment and order officially.”]
[evc_image_with_text image=”7225″ text=”Scroll #749 arrived at Prentis Apartments via British Airways and has remained at Prentis Apartments for all to appreciate since that time.”]
[evc_image_with_text image=”7229″ text=”Our scroll is believed to have been scribed in 1840 and was owned by a synagogue in Radlice. It was sent onward to the town Praha (Prague)-Smichov during the Shoah. The date 1840 is etched into one of the scroll rollers which are original.”]
[evc_image_with_text image=”7224″ text=”Prentis Apartment residents join Dr. Charles Silow, Director, Program for Holocaust Survivors and Families, admiring the Scroll and its deep meaning.”]
[evc_image_with_text image=”7356″ text=”Yom HaShoah 2023 at Prentis Apartments, Oak Park”]
[evc_image_with_text image=”7357″ text=”Yom HaShoah 2023 at Prentis Apartments, Oak Park”]
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