Bessie Spector Oldest Jewish Americans Celebration

Bessie Spector Oldest Jewish Americans Celebration

The Bessie Spector Oldest Jewish Americans Celebration is an annual luncheon for our older adults ages 95 and up. This festive event features a chance for old and young to connect with friends, relatives and community members, while enjoying a lovely meal, entertainment and a presentation recognizing the guests of honor.

The 2024 Bessie Spector Oldest Jewish Americans Celebration rolled out the red carpet for over 300 attendees, including 80 honorees ages 95+, of whom, a dozen were centenarians!

Sponsored by the family of Bessie Spector z”l in memory of a very special mother and grandmother who loved going to the event, it is also supported and planned by Jewish Family Service,  the Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroitthe Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, and Gesher Human Services. In kind services expertly provided by Brett Panter of Brody’s Custom Clothing, Printing & Provisions.

The 2025 committee co-chairs are Joyce Berlin Weingarten and Heather Salesin, who head a committee and volunteer corps of over 70 who do everything from tracking down potential honorees to pouring coffee. It is one of the highlights of the Detroit Jewish community calendar and more hands are always welcome.

This year’s event will be held at Adat Shalom Synagogue on Friday, June 13. Register honorees using our online form.

Call or email Beth Robinson, Director of FRIENDS of Jewish Senior Life for more information and/or to volunteer – / 248 592-5062

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