As we usher in 2025, our world stands at a unique crossroads. The choices we make today will influence everything from our global environment to the social fabric of our communities. For many, New Year’s resolutions are a chance to make personal improvements. But in 2025, the stakes are higher than ever. This year, the actions we take can have a ripple effect that extends beyond ourselves, making a tangible difference in the lives of others.

We continue to witness the troubling rise in antisemitism, hate crimes, and religious intolerance worldwide. WE MUST PUT AN END TO ANTISEMITISM, HATE AND DIVISION. The New Year 2025 should be the year we take a firm stand against all forms of hatred and work to build a more inclusive society where people of all faiths and backgrounds can live in peace and mutual respect.

Like all forms of bigotry, antisemitism must be met with unwavering resistance. We must stand and speak out to educate ourselves and others about the history and impact of antisemitism, while actively challenging harmful stereotypes and false narratives. This also means supporting Jewish communities, especially when we face discrimination or violence. Hate has no place in our society.

Can we promote interfaith dialogue and encourage respectful conversations between people of different faiths? Can we support initiatives that bring together diverse religious groups to share their stories, beliefs, and practices? By fostering mutual understanding, we can help break down barriers and build a more compassionate world.

The past few years have shown that SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EQUALITY ARE ONGOING BATTLES. Whether it’s racial equity, gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, or the fight for equal access to education and healthcare, the struggle for fairness and inclusivity must continue in 2025. We can help by advocating for fair policies, supporting marginalized communities and be aware of our own biases to make a commitment to be more inclusive, fostering unity and compassion.

Let’s continue to FOCUS ON EMOTIONAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS. In recent years, mental health has emerged as one of the most important issues facing individuals across the globe. The stresses of modern life, economic instability, and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have taken a toll on everyone. In 2025, it’s essential that we not only prioritize our emotional health but also work to reduce the stigma that often surrounds it. Engaging in self-care activities like meditation, exercise, journaling, or therapy is as important as taking care of our physical health.

Take a larger view and SUPPORT GLOBAL CAUSES like poverty, human rights, and access to clean water – all of these require collective action. In 2025, join with others and find ways to support these causes by donating, fundraising, and raising awareness through social media. We can use our voices no matter how small, to advocate for causes that matter.

Amid the digital age and fast-paced life, personal connections often take a backseat. REBUILD STRONGER, MORE MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS by nurturing our own relationships with family and friends. Together we can participate in community events and actively seek out ways to nurture the bonds that form the foundation of strong, resilient communities.

As we step into 2025, it’s essential to CULTIVATE GRATITUDE AND RESILIENCE in the face of uncertainty and challenge. In a world that often feels chaotic, practicing gratitude can help shift our focus from what’s wrong to what’s right. Make it a habit to keep a journal and WRITE DOWN THE THINGS WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR EACH DAY. This simple practice can change your perspective and improve overall well-being. It’s also something special to leave your loved ones.

Life will undoubtedly continue to present challenges.  2025 represents a new chapter… a blank slate where we can define our future. The actions we take this year will echo into the years to come. By coming together as individuals and as a global community, we can create a future that is brighter, more inclusive, and more sustainable for all.

The New Year brings with it boundless opportunities to rise and make a difference. We can seize them with purpose, passion, and a shared vision for a better world. GET UP, GET INVOLVED, VOLUNTEER!  Consider the impact you make when you volunteer at JSL. The volunteers get back as much as they give, and it’s obvious to the staff and residents how important these moments of connection truly are. Join us!

Wishing you a happy, healthy and active New Year!

Shabbat Shalom.

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